Sunday, June 30, 2013

Girl in a Flower Crown

Kayla always helps me out when I need a model!  Here are some recent photos we took at Rose Hill!

Rainy day maternity shoot

I recently did a maternity shoot.  Lately in Georgia it has been raining every single afternoon... NO JOKE.  As I sit here typing I see a thunderstorm on the horizon and I have plans to shoot this afternoon!

On this day, we decided to make the best of it and get cozy!  I am usually accustomed to shooting outdoors with sunlight, so this was actually good for me.  It was a challenge and it is something I want to do more of in order to expand my knowledge and skill!

Also, I would like to thank Ashleigh for inviting me into her home

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gracie - As herself!

So after we did all the sassy Aubrey Hepburn style stuff, we went over to Coleman Hill and just let loose!!

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